Thursday, January 1, 2009

In The Beginning

I spent most of my twenties struggling to survive financially, to the point of working two jobs while pregnant with my daughter. Nightmarish when I look back but invaluable looking forward to the bleak economic picture. My parents had me while in their forties, but they had survived the depression, and despite my best attempts at the free wheeling spirit of the 70's and 80's, they instilled some basic ideas and principles that have made me squeak at times. I have had to become creative with both money and time over the years. And as I recently hung up the phone from a long frustrating conversation with someone I love very much, I proclaimed, " That girl does not know how to be poor."

My husband said, " you need to teach her."

And the idea came to me that there are a lot of these young mothers and families, that did not have that thrift gene nurtured. The talents of making dinner from next to nothing, boring evenings turned to fun, and the immense pleasure achieved when you have just managed to do something for pennies. So my resolution to teach my young friend has turned into this blog!

Watch out, it may shock you!

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