Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hunters Stew

Okay you can call it vegetable soup if you want but Hunter's Stew makes it more apealing to vega-phobes.

Brown one to two pounds of ground beef (break into chunks about nickel size), Drain
Two can stewed tomotoes
one can tomatoe soup
one can corn, drained and rinsed
one can peas, drained and rinsed
one can green beans, drained and rinsed
one can kidney beans, drained and rinsed
two carrots but into slices
5 large potatoes - peeled and cubed into big bite size
1/2 stick of margarine
One packet of beef gravy - mixed with water as on package. (sometimes I use a big jar)
water or vegetable juice can be added now to generate more broth and keep from scorching
Combine all, simmer until carrots are fork tender, taste for salt and pepper needs.
combine all ingredients

I always like to make this when my grocery has canned vegetables on sale it can be made in an hour or two, if you stir and watch carefully or in a crock pot on low while at work.

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